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What is Adalite wallet (Ada)?

AdaLite Wallet AdaLite, formerly known as CardanoLite, is a lightweight web wallet for storing your Cardano safely and securely. AdaLite is developed by Vaccumlabs developers, who are fans and holders of Cardano understood the need of the hour to create a more user-friendly wallet for Cardano users.

How to connect Adalite with Ledger Cardano (Ada)?

Go to AdaLite. Next, select Unlock with Ledger. A pop-up menu appears. Select the device type (Nano S or Nano X) and click Connect. Loading wallet data appears on your computer screen, AdaLite is waiting for inputs from your Ledger device. Confirm exporting your public keys on your Ledger device. Your Ledger Cardano (ADA) account appears.

What is a ledger hardware wallet?

At Ledger we are developing hardware wallet technology that provides the highest level of security for crypto assets. Our products combine a Secure Element and a proprietary OS designed specifically to protect your assets. Ledger hardware wallets empower you with the ownership and control of your private keys. Even more security.

What is a Cardano (Ada) wallet?

Your Cardano (ADA) wallet. Secure your Cardano assets with the most trusted hardware wallet. Cold storage wallets are typically encrypted devices that store users' Cardano assets offline, providing a layer of security against the evolving threats emerging from being connected to the Internet.

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